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Don't Dance With Danger   1989

1. You Live Fast" (4:48)
2. "Cry Out" (2:47)
3. " Never" (3:33)
4. "Knock Down the Walls" (4:06)
5. "Fight Fire" (2:47)
6. "Don't Dance With Danger" (3:21)
7. "Lost and Found" (2:42)
8. "Hold On To Love" (4:20)
9. "Why" (3:37)
10. "Break the Chains" (3:57)




Bass – Jeff Warner
Drums – Davy Ledford
Guitar – Curtis Lee
Vocals – Danis

The following review is taken from one of my all time favorite sites, No Life Till Metal.  


High gloss, hair to the sky, glam, heavy metal. These guys were doing their part to keep AquaNet in business and would have made Poison proud. The band photo is hysterical. Can you tell which of the four band members is the girl singer? HA! This band would give Nitro a fight for the most outrageous glam look. Unfortunately the band's image masks what is some decent 1980's heavy metal. The opening track "You Live Fast" is a fantastic song with a smokin' guitar lead. Had this song been recorded by Stryper, Motley Crue or W.A.S.P., I imagine the song could have been at least a minor hit. Actually, early Crue and Stryper are a good point of comparison for Scarlet Red's sound. "Never" is a mid-paced song with an anthem chorus that will have most fans of 80's anthems singing along; "Never, never, to late to change." The title track has a similar anthem/sing-along quality. "Fight Fire"and "Lost and Found" are both high-energy barn burners. "Knock Down the Walls" is a very moving and touching song that vocalist Danis sings with a convincing, wonderful emotion. As well, "Why" is an emotional, melancholy ballad. The album closes with a standout cut in the furious "Break the Chains". Unfortunately the band seems a bit tamer than I imagine they might have sounded live. The production isn't bad for a band on a small label in the 1980's. Unfortunately, this is the only album this band ever recorded.

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